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Frequently Asked Questions

Our Background and Experience

Our company has a strong background in tutoring, with over 25 years of experience helping students succeed. Our team of experienced tutors has a proven track record of helping students improve their academic results and reach their goals. With this experience, we are confident that we can provide students with the guidance and support they need to succeed.

You can trust the online test system because it is developed and managed by a team with years of tutoring experience. This experience gives us a deep understanding of what students need to succeed, and we have used this knowledge to create a system that provides effective and valuable practice for students preparing for important exams. With our proven track record of success in tutoring, you can be confident that our online test system will help you achieve your academic goals.

The Test System

Yes, our test system is designed to be flexible and accessible. You can practice the tests at any time and from any place, using any device with internet access. This makes it easy for you to fit studying into your schedule and prepare for the exams at your own pace.

Our test system is designed to help students improve their academic results by providing instant feedback and explanations for incorrect answers. This allows students to learn from their mistakes and get a better understanding of the material. Additionally, by taking the tests multiple times, students can track their progress and see their scores improve over time.

Our online tests are unique because they are specifically designed to help students prepare for important public exams in Australia. The tests are updated regularly to reflect current exam formats and requirements and are accompanied by detailed answers and explanations.

Type of Tests and Contents

Our website offers online tests to help students prepare for important public exams in Australia, such as Selective School Tests, OC Tests, NAPLAN Tests, Scholarship Tests etc

Yes, our tests are designed to match the format, subjects, type and number of questions, and time limit of the real exams.

Test Results and Reports

Our tests are updated regularly to ensure that they are up-to-date with the latest exam formats and requirements.

We offer comprehensive support for students who are having trouble with the tests, including detailed answers and explanations for each question. If a student requires additional assistance, they can contact us and one of our support team members will be happy to help.

Yes, students can take our tests as many times as they need to in order to prepare for the exams.

After taking a test, you can expect to receive instant results that include your total score, the number of correct questions out of the total questions, the total time taken, and explanations for any incorrect answers (other than reading)

Yes, our website keeps track of your test history and provides an average score if you have taken the same test previously.

Yes, our website features a leaderboard that allows you to see how you compare to other students who have taken the same test.

The leaderboard on our website shows the top 10 scores for each test, and is updated daily based on the highest scores achieved by students. This allows you to see how you compare to other students and track your progress over time

Subscription and Payment

Yes, each subscription comes with a 5-day free trial period. This allows students to experience our test system and see the benefits for themselves before committing to a paid subscription. Payment for the subscription will start after the trial period has ended.

Our tests are designed for school students in Australia who are preparing for these important public exams.

Yes, students can subscribe to our test packages under the guidance of their parents or teachers.

For most of our products, we offer both monthly and 3-monthly subscription options.

Yes, subscription can cancel the recurring subscription or payment at any time before the next payment.

If you miss a subscription payment, your account may be suspended until the payment is made. Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns about your subscription payment.

Account Management

No, we do not recommend sharing your account with anyone else. Doing so would compromise the tracking of your learning progress and improvement and could lead to incorrect or misleading results. Each student should have their own unique account in order to get the most accurate and helpful results.